Monday, April 21, 2008

Blue collar, small town conservatives are BITTER....

Good day America.

I am still thankful for a great country, a great health care system, a great free-market economy, and most of all, excellent, loving, God fearing small town conservatives.

Once again, the real OBAMA and his dream agenda come out, and what is he doing about it, apologizing, NO, are you kidding. He is continuing to categorize the citizens of the USA, the small town , gun slinging, anti immigrant, anti trade, Bible-pounding bigots who do not have a clue about how markets and the economics of the real world work. Sadly, this is what he thinks along with most of your elitist politicians. Obama says that the simple ideas of the small town folks
are merely a result of their under-privileged economic status.

Folks in small towns are seen as uninformed and unrefined, you might as well add, uneducated. Their votes do not really count, so why even bother with them.

We cannot sit back and say this man made a mistake, why else would he say something like that if he was not thinking along those lines.

Look at Kenya, in Africa. No doubt Obama was involved there. The citizens of Kenya voted for a new man, a change, they wanted freedoms. What happened - the old regime did not want to give up, so the UN and no doubt Obama and his cronies gave the people a shared government. They now have two presidents. How is this going to work? Imagine the USA with two presidents? How will the populous ever get a consensus? The peoples voice was not heard at all, rather, the elitists stepped in and .............................................

This goes along with what Hillary is espousing, quite freely with no challenge from the media.

We all know how she hates the rich, and the very essence of our free-market economic system, right?

She declares that we are, in reality in a "on your own society." Her remedy for the problem is for us to become a "we're in this together society" a nation of "shared responsibility" AND "shared prosperity." She has also elsewhere stated that our free-market has failed, churches have failed, we have all failed; and to become a just society, some people need to have things taken away from them.

See, what happened in Kenya, a shared just society, is what is coming to the USA.

Why is it, that capitalism for Obama and Clinton and most Democrats is okay for them, but nobody else.

I urge you to read this link and then wonder why small town conservatives do not really have this problem. Why do they get it, and we in the large cities do not. Apart from this folks, why are we even having to debate this issue is the bigger question. We are being lead by non believers and secularists.

Remember, we can only defeat them if we are strong in numbers. Join the fraternity if you want to take back your country and become a part of history and leave a safer and freer country for your children and their children's children.

  • To read about and the benefits of membership to you and I, please read the first post.

Remember what Ronald Reagan said: The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

God Bless America

Thursday, April 17, 2008

ADF: Demonic artwork okay. Scripture and cross – no way! - Alliance Defense Fund - Defending Our First Liberty

America, decide now if this should be stopped or not. This is not just about religion, it is about our freedoms. Christianity is becoming the targeted religion. Christians are bad, they are so righteous, so discriminating, so disruptive, so against a womans right to choose..........and the list goes on.

Go to the linked site, read the article and become outraged.

We are under a controlled attack and we are like the frog that is put in pot with cold water and then heated up. The frog never notices this because it becomes acclimatised and VIOLA, it is to late.

Reading this article is fine, but do not let it stop there. Join the fraternity, become a part of history and save the country for your children and their children. This is the only way we are going to keep America, the land of the brave, great, OR you may simply read the article, get angry and upset and do nothing. By joining we will have numbers on our side and soon the politicians will realise the power of the people (us members) and actually realise they have to do what is best for the country not best for them, or they will get voted out.

God bless America.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Do you just want to SHOUT....?

Reading all the headlines about who we as Americans have to vote for as president and what this new president is going to do for us and our country is pathetic to say the least.

It is so crystal clear that Obama and Clinton are both elitists and really do not have your interest at heart. Raise taxes, run away from Iraq, raise taxes even more on corporations, cut down our military, change our health insurance to a federal one, put more money toward education, protect the illegals, give our tax money to the illegals, do not protect immigration and our borders, and so the list goes on........

Have any one of them ever said, "you know fellow Americans our country is in a slow down and in order to right this ship we are going to reduce taxes on gasoline, reduce taxes on income, drill for our own oil and return America to it's greatness again." No they do not, it is all doom and gloom.

So, membership to this fraternity allows you to shout out loud and make your voice heard.
This his has never been done for citizens and now is our chance.

On I was happy to read an article similar to what I am writing about.

They have created bumper stickers that make your voice heard; here are a few.
In God we Trust, I love America, Defeat Osama, Obama and Chelsea's Mama.

I encourage you to visit the website.

Join now and become a part of history. Sitting on the sideline complaining just gives these knucklehead politicians and so called leaders more time to destroy our country and freedoms.

In order to keep your membership and personal information confidential we will email or fax the forms to you, you fax them back and you are then a member.

Enjoy your day and God bless America

Wednesday, April 9, 2008


Fellow fraternity members, why is it that some American's just do not get it about taxes. The power to tax is the power to destroy....agree or disagree?

Our elected officials on the left will tell you they are raising the taxes on the wealthy to give to the poor. This creates class diversification, let's hate the rich. They should be paying more in taxes......and so the message goes.

Do you honestly think that we can tax ourselves into prosperity?

I always find it amazing that when there is a budget problem the first thing that the Democrats say is: we need to raise the taxes. The Republicans on the other hand have a different approach: let's create more jobs and cut taxes.

Look at the stimulus package. I do not think that the economics of it are sound. What do I mean? Well, getting a one time capital infusion from uncle Sam is good, I will rather like to get a monthly tax break on my income, wouldn't you? This creates a continual increase in income.

The purpose of todays posting is to get people to join the fraternity, stand together, west coast to east coast and demand a change in the taxation. A flat tax will be much better. We know what we will have to pay, no secrets, no being scared of the IRS auditing us and guess what...., these politicians will now have less power, and do their job. We will be free and the govt. will be collecting more money.

Our country, no doubt is facing a crisis and many fingers can be pointed. If you choose to stay on the side line and not become a member, what change can you implement?

Listen to what Obama and Clinton say when asked about taxes: WE NEED TO RAISE TAXES!!! WE NEED CHANGE!

Folks, as a fraternity we can get together and challenge these Democrats and tell them when they get on their little pulpit and say, " we need to change, we need to change." Well, let me tell you about the changes I as a citizen want for a change....lower taxes, less

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Stand alone, be outraged, or join.....

Folks and fellow Americans.....Why do we allow ourselves to be lead by corrupt, elitists elected and appointed officials?

Take a look at our most recent disgrace: Elliot Spitzer. Is he an elitist or a traditional American?

As attorney general he used the the power and the blank check book of the state of New York to vigorously pursue individuals and US corporations. This was done for gain to run as governor.

As governor, he partakes in a prostitution and prostitute ring......

Fellow citizens, c'mon. Imagine yourself a parent of two children, a boy and a girl. You come home from work, kiss your wife, hug your kids and say, "dad loves you," all the while you know you have little to no respect for woman. They are clearly there for nothing else but paid sex. HOW WILL YOU RESPOND TO YOUR DAUGHTER, YOUR SON AND YOUR WIFE?

Do not forget that he wanted to use the executive power to grant licenses to illegals, going against the majority of the citizens of New York. Heck, common sense says "NO, you are an illegal alien. Remember citizens, our esteemed leaders actually call them, "UNDOCUMENTED WORKERS." THE POLITICIAN ALWAYS KNOWS BEST, AS FOR US, WE DO NOT KNOW WHAT IS GOOD FOR US.

A runaway politician, bet!!!

Another point. What are your thoughts on officials arresting and labeling a 6 year old as a sex offender? Will you angry and demanding an explanation or will you be a moderate saying, "well, I do not know. I do not want to hurt some body's feelings" Grow up!!! Don't wait until it is your child. We are slowly moving toward tyranny.

Let's now take a look at our co Clinton president, Hillary. Is she just not such a wonderful caring person who puts you and our great country first...?

Allow me to refresh your memory: Before I do this, I will like for you to imagine this was your family member and name being dragged and smeared.

She tells a story about a woman who was refused treatment at a hospital. The woman was pregnant too. Sen. Clinton says this pregnant lady was refused treatment and that the hospital told her to pay $100-00 otherwise they (hospital) will not treat her.

Sen Clinton continues and says the lady was homeless and poor, so she returned home, (I thought she was homeless) and gave birth. Both mother and child died.

Now the truth: Does this not always happen to the liberals. Yes, both the mother and her child, tragically, did die. The baby was still born and the mother dies two weeks later. YES, the mother did have insurance, was employed, and the hospital.....they mentioned the lady was under the care of an obstetrics practice that is affiliated with the hospital AND that she was NEVER refused treatment.

Fellow fraternity members, you see, the family of this woman is outraged. They are not poor and they have insurance.

Is this just not disgusting...hmmm! Sen. Clinton does not care that she is smearing the dead woman and her family as long as she can tell a story and get political gain. This stunt, fellow fraternity members was to promote and advance her health insurance bill.

To the Clinton's, out great country is nothing more than an evil empire with giant evil corporations stealing money and not paying enough in taxes. They are both just plain cold.

Remember, post your thoughts. Membership is what is needed to get these officials back under control and to keep our country strong. Together we can make a difference, do you, want to?

All monies will be refunded if we do not get the 100 members.

A parting thought: Imagine an issue coming up on for eg. immigration and over 70% of he country agree that this is not a good idea, but the leaders decide to move on....Well, enter powerupamerica. The politicians will know our fraternity is made up of paid members, concerned citizens who want to join. We send them an email and when they read it and see the shear numbers behind the membership do you think they will change their mind...?

God bless America.

Monday, April 7, 2008

A few questions for THINKING AMERICAN'S only. Cowards need not answer!

Should you be forced to take care of your neighbor and his/her children's health care costs?

Socialism or Democracy, you choose.

Would you allow the US government to monitor and decide for you your intake of salt, vegetables, fruit etc.? How about supporting mandated exercise....?

Folks, remember state rep. Ted Mayall from Mississippi who sponsored House Bill 282 that basically stated that it would give the state the power to impose fines or revoke licenses of food establishments that served obese people....?

Prof. Walter E Williams drew this argument about the law requiring both motorcyclists and bicyclists to wear helmets and I quote from his article:- After all, if one is exercises his liberty to ride without a helmet, and has an accident and becomes a vegetable, society has to bear the expense of taking of him. The FACT that an obese person becomes ill, or a cyclist has an accident, and becomes a burden on taxpayers who MUST bear the expense of taking care of him, is not a problem of LIBERTY. It is a problem of SOCIALISM where one is forced to take care of another.There is no moral argument that justifies using coercive powers of government to force one person to bear the expense of taking care of another. If that person is too resolute in his refusal to do so, what is the case for imposing fines, imprisonment or death?

Forcing one person to bear the burden of health care costs for another is not only a moral question but a major threat to our personal liberty.

Folks, as stated before, this site is not for the moderate, the leftists and the cowards. Membership is for those of us who want to protects our freedoms, put America first.

Thanks for reading and share this blog with your friends.

God bless America, the land of the free!!!