Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are you ready to be killed.......

"Vietnam is nothing compared to what awaits you on our lands............Ask your mothers, your wives to order your coffins."

Folks, with a statement like that, should we negotiate, apologize, or eliminate?
They want to kill us and remember, they have a lot of time and know that we Americans have short memories. Heck look at how we have changed our minds since 911. Do you think differently now vs then....? What caused this change in in thoughts and actions toward those who want to kill us and not negotiate with us. It is the media and the elitist politicians who always know best.

Well, Wednesday, May 28th the NY Times published an article on pages 1 and 12 of a woman who said these words and what she is doing mobilize the woman to take up the cause.

So, I ask the question: Should we negotiate or eliminate? Should we vote a leader in office who will negotiate or eliminate? Remember, they want to eliminate us at any cost even using children strapped with bombs to do so.

Powerupamerica is the only organization of it's kind that will give your voice power over the politicians and keep them in line with what they elected and appointed to do....namely carry out the will of the people.....right?

10% of your annual membership goes toward a charity of your choice or to the families of our soldiers if you do not choose a charity.

God bless America

We just have to win....

America, no one knows the Clinton's better than Dick Morris. Read the article I have linked here for you and let's tell the Clinton's...."well, this time you lose!"

Do we really deserve a couple like this who cannot even keep track of their lies. Yes she has hung in there and not for our cause but strictly for there's, "we have to win." For goodness sake, we are not some project that needs to be socially engineered again just to fulfill there policy of how to control people. The only passion in them is to win at any cost.

They despise any mention of conservatism, then loathe the military.

Join powerupamerica and let's send them packing.

God bless America.