Friday, May 16, 2008

America, wake up! Your URGENT attention is required NOW!

Do not even think about replying if you are an APPEASER.

Want your country BACK? Now is the time to join.

Our president said that those who advocate talks with terrorists and radicals are nazi appeasers.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals (people who want us DEAD) as if some ingenious argument will persuade them that they have been WRONG all this time.

Our pres. also says that we have an obligation to call this what it is......a false comfort of appeasement.

Remember this too; Our president goes to Saudi Arabia (our men and women are protecting their country) and asks King Abdullah to increase the supply in order to ease the the gas prices in the USA......... A reasonable favor to ask, wouldn't you agree? Well, the oil minister turns around and says, " If you want more oil you need to buy it."

This guy needs a punch on the nose folks. We are protecting his country with our men and women.

This in the face of wanting to help the Saudi's build nuclear reactors to provide for their energy.....AND the administration is proposing to sell to the Saudi's $1B dollars of weapon.
  • Here is your chance America:

In the face of what is happening and how our safety and security may be effected incl.the future of our children; how do you propose we negotiate with a nation of people who have said they want to kill us, and have proven they want to kill us. Remember, 911?

  • Please go to the comment box and send in your answers.

This is our chance to show how we care and then hand this over to the darn politicians who need to realise this is our country too and this is the CHANGE we want.

Powerupamerica and it's membership will discover and unravel the lies of our so called politicians. There is satisfaction in knowing that by joining, your vote and voice will count once again, and it will be LOUD and CLEAR!!!!!!

I was giving up on my country so I started this organisation to do something about it.

Thank you for posting and showing how you will negotiate for the safety and security of our great nation, the United States of America.