Thursday, November 12, 2009

Complete green energy

that's where they live. crazy stuff, eh?

America, welcome to the new look of housing. This system and method of building rescues the environment. We save on everything, water, lights, glass, flooring, roofing, electricity, toilet flushing, hmmmm, now where do we put up the satelite dish though?

This is coming America, oh yes it is. Save our planet.
Hey, where is the mail slot?

Decrease unemployment, send citizens to JAIL

Hitler, remember him....funny little man, shy little man...well he sent his citizens to jail and unemployment numbers showed a decrease. Is this the Obama plans plan?

Did she have a hearing problem? NO! She is an utter embarassment. Is she just plain stupid, NO! She knows exactly what she is doing. You will go to jail and unlike monopoly, which is what they want over our lives, you will not get an out of jail card. Listen again, did she answer the question? This is written in the document and she knows it.

Join this movement America. Sitting back is not helping, listening to talk radio and Fox news cannot help either. Let them be a conduit to our voices. Save your country or do nothing. The choice is yours

Shift of wealth, Shift of Power, you decide....!

Folks, look and listen. Did you know. They are coming after you and your children will become government slaves.

Sunday, November 8, 2009

Who know's best, the people, or our govt?

American's why, when an overwhelming majority of thinking American's are opposed to a govt health plan are our elitist congressman/woman and senators so hell bent on having their way. I thought we are a country with a govt., turns out it is a govt with a country.

Well, I encourage you to listen to the video and send it to your friends and family. We need to speak out America. This is your voice.

Friday, November 6, 2009

Govt has tried to socialize us through socializing health insurance-You decide

I dare you to click and listen. The video is only 10 minutes long and I know most of us have a problem listening for even 5 minutes, let alone concentrating.

This requires you to gather your friends and family and listen or send a link to this site to your friends and family to listen.

We are either free or we are not. You choose.

Post your comments as always by clicking on the little envelope.

You need to join in order to empower your voice.


this is my favorite car