Decide if you wish to take a stand or remain on the sideline and be quitely outraged.
President Ronald Reagan made a significant impact on my life and I want to share a few staments that he made and challenge you to disagree:
- Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction We did not pass it to our children in our bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected and handed on for them to do the same, or one day we will spend our sunset years telling our children and our children's children what it was once like in the USA where men where free.
- No arsenal is so formiddable as the will of and moral courage of free men and women. It is a weapon our adversaries do not have.
- If you are afraid of the future, then get out of the way, stand aside. The people of this country are ready to move again.
- To sit back hoping that someday, someway, someone will make things right is to go on feeding the crocodile, hoping that he will eat you last-but eat you he will.
Based upon these statements we have so called leaders who are hellbent on stripping us of our morals and freedoms. You decide! Is it media creating social engineering on us or is that we are just so infactuated with these so called leaders of society OR are we just to comfortable with the status quo? The crocodile is going to eat you.
Look at this: Obama's pastor announces:"If God is not for us and against whites....we had better kill Him".
C'mon, look at what is happening here, division of races again and by whom, a person aligned with the Democrat party. Imagine for a second if this was a conservative making this statement or even, a white person......?
I am not saying that all democrats align themselves with outrageous statements and people like this. There are good democrats, and they desparately need to wake up as their platform and party are being "partyjacked" by the liberal leftists. They know who they are, cowards, cut and run, anti America, abortionists, dividers, tax raisers. The list goes on.
Our great universities are being muslimized too. WOW! We have in one of our higher places of learning a Hindu who is charge of teaching Christian religeon. Ha ha. what do you think he is going to be teaching your students, parents?
What about this: Students, more than likely illegals decided that they will deface our great flag at their school. They took down our flag, hoisted the Mexican flag and put the USA flag beneath it and upside down. Are you not outraged at this? What are our city leaders and state government doing about it...NOTHING?
How can this be happening, well they (city and strate leaders/politicians) have no oposition from the citizens and they just tell us via the help of the media, we need to accept this behaviour and understand the circumstances of these immigrants. What a load of rubbish.
A quote from Thomas Sowell: "Socialism in general has a record of failure so blatant that only an intellectual could ignore or evade it."
How safe is our 2nd amendment? Read this and you tell your kids what is going to happen if you do not choose to do something. This is from one our esteemed, elitist, US Senators Daniel Patrick Moynian This is what he said: If it were up to me we could tax them (firearms) out of existence".
Another liberal elitist, Nelson T Shields writes: "We are going to have to take this one step at a time, and the first step is necessarily - given the political realities - going to be very modest. Right now, though we'd satisfied not with a half a loaf but with a slice. Our ULTIMATE GOAL - total control of the guns is going to take time......The final problem is to make the possession of all handguns and all handgun ammunition except for the military, policemen, licensed security guards, licensed sporting clubs and licensed gun collectors - TOTALLY ILLEGAL."
I urge you to join, become a member, take a stand, without this only a mediocre person is at his/her best.
All monies will be refunded in full if we do not reach a minimum of 100 members. Help us to help you and your children by joining and saying "YES" I want to make a difference.
It is my goal and should be yours to grow this paid membership quickly. We will make some stickers, and also strive to have fashionable golf shirts made bearing our logo and clearly stating beneath it, I am making a difference are you?
God Bless America and let's keep it free.
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