Friday, October 10, 2008

casting your vote or wasting your vote....

Click the link.

Americans, decide on Socialism or Freedom. Your vote is EXTREMELY important. THINK before casting it.

It either accounts for socialism or accounts for freedom.

Voting correctly means never having to apologize.

Remember this that the next president gets to choose the Supreme Court Nominee/s. If this is not important to you then you are aligning yourself and your fellow citizens with radical changes that will rock and destroy the very foundation of this country, the Land of the BRAVE and the Land of the FREE.

You cannot go back and change your vote and you will have to look your fellow citizens in the eye when you realised that you voted for Socialism.

I do not agree with McCain on most issues, but this is what we have, a true war hero vs a Socialist.

Which candidate will desert your values or assert the American values???

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