Saturday, May 31, 2008

Are you ready to be killed.......

"Vietnam is nothing compared to what awaits you on our lands............Ask your mothers, your wives to order your coffins."

Folks, with a statement like that, should we negotiate, apologize, or eliminate?
They want to kill us and remember, they have a lot of time and know that we Americans have short memories. Heck look at how we have changed our minds since 911. Do you think differently now vs then....? What caused this change in in thoughts and actions toward those who want to kill us and not negotiate with us. It is the media and the elitist politicians who always know best.

Well, Wednesday, May 28th the NY Times published an article on pages 1 and 12 of a woman who said these words and what she is doing mobilize the woman to take up the cause.

So, I ask the question: Should we negotiate or eliminate? Should we vote a leader in office who will negotiate or eliminate? Remember, they want to eliminate us at any cost even using children strapped with bombs to do so.

Powerupamerica is the only organization of it's kind that will give your voice power over the politicians and keep them in line with what they elected and appointed to do....namely carry out the will of the people.....right?

10% of your annual membership goes toward a charity of your choice or to the families of our soldiers if you do not choose a charity.

God bless America

We just have to win....

America, no one knows the Clinton's better than Dick Morris. Read the article I have linked here for you and let's tell the Clinton's...."well, this time you lose!"

Do we really deserve a couple like this who cannot even keep track of their lies. Yes she has hung in there and not for our cause but strictly for there's, "we have to win." For goodness sake, we are not some project that needs to be socially engineered again just to fulfill there policy of how to control people. The only passion in them is to win at any cost.

They despise any mention of conservatism, then loathe the military.

Join powerupamerica and let's send them packing.

God bless America.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008 Your $5 Gas?::By Kevin McCullough Your $5 Gas?::By Kevin McCullough: "Spending $60, $70, even $90 for a fill up at the gas station is fun right? When it comes to crippling, racist, and economically debilitating energy policy liberals have truly paralyzed America. And they seem proud of their efforts. In the left's refusal to allow us to seek new energy sources they are stunting a nation's economy, they are hurting the average family, and they are starving hungry children.
They also have the gall to do all of this under the guise of feigned outrage at oil companies in addition to self-superior Senate floor speeches where they rage against the administration. They also express abject resentment towards anyone who dares to mention the obvious - that it is their policies that put us in this mess to begin with and disallows our escape from it."

Friday, May 16, 2008

America, wake up! Your URGENT attention is required NOW!

Do not even think about replying if you are an APPEASER.

Want your country BACK? Now is the time to join.

Our president said that those who advocate talks with terrorists and radicals are nazi appeasers.

Do you agree or disagree?

Some people believe that we should negotiate with terrorists and radicals (people who want us DEAD) as if some ingenious argument will persuade them that they have been WRONG all this time.

Our pres. also says that we have an obligation to call this what it is......a false comfort of appeasement.

Remember this too; Our president goes to Saudi Arabia (our men and women are protecting their country) and asks King Abdullah to increase the supply in order to ease the the gas prices in the USA......... A reasonable favor to ask, wouldn't you agree? Well, the oil minister turns around and says, " If you want more oil you need to buy it."

This guy needs a punch on the nose folks. We are protecting his country with our men and women.

This in the face of wanting to help the Saudi's build nuclear reactors to provide for their energy.....AND the administration is proposing to sell to the Saudi's $1B dollars of weapon.
  • Here is your chance America:

In the face of what is happening and how our safety and security may be effected incl.the future of our children; how do you propose we negotiate with a nation of people who have said they want to kill us, and have proven they want to kill us. Remember, 911?

  • Please go to the comment box and send in your answers.

This is our chance to show how we care and then hand this over to the darn politicians who need to realise this is our country too and this is the CHANGE we want.

Powerupamerica and it's membership will discover and unravel the lies of our so called politicians. There is satisfaction in knowing that by joining, your vote and voice will count once again, and it will be LOUD and CLEAR!!!!!!

I was giving up on my country so I started this organisation to do something about it.

Thank you for posting and showing how you will negotiate for the safety and security of our great nation, the United States of America.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

Our own Oil or, Import Oil. You decide.

We need to take action and seriously folks, power only comes in numbers. The politicians think that the USA belongs only to them. Are you feeling somewhat left out when these new wannabee presidents are running around saying we need change, we need to tax and tax and tax. Consider for a second that they should be listening to the change that we the people want, lower or flat tax, smaller government, proper representation.........add what you like and this is what should be happening. Instead, they are telling us what change they want for us.

Well, here is what really needs and requires massive action. I am going to ask you to answer a question: Imagine you are the president of this great country, the USA and you have access to:
  • estimated 86 BILLION barrels of OIL
  • 420 TRILLION cubic feet of NATURAL GAS
  • A south east state has 3.8 BILLION barrels of OIL &
  • 22 TRILLION cubic feet of NATURAL GAS

Will you explore, drill and use the oil and natural gas, or not? I have not even included Alaska yet.

How different do you think our great country would be if we were to use these natural elements from our earth? Remember, we may also sell our oil and gas too.

It is just plain common sense that if we supply our own oil and gas that we will be better off. Folks, this is not rocket science and we have been kept from using our very own resources for to long now. This utter stupidity has to stop.

Folks, the Middle East and the UAE loves American money. Look at how their economies have grown. Type in your Google search the name Dubai or even Qatar and see for yourself. Now compare what is happening there vs here in the USA.

I am not saying that their economies should not benefit from trade. I am a capitalist and like the power and diversity of a global economy, but we have our own resources......

How do you think our economy will benefit when we do not have to send so much money to the Middle East and Canada?

Here a few prices for you to ponder and wonder where the USA would have been on the list if we supplied and sold oil.

You had better be sitting down because this will create discomfort in both your brain and stomach.


  • Oslo, Norway $6.82
  • Hong Kong $6.25
  • Belgium, Brussels $6.16
  • London, UK $5.96
  • Rome, Italy $5.80
  • Tokyo, Japan $5.25
  • Sau Paulo, Brazil $4.42
  • New Dehli, India $3.71
  • Sidney, Australia $3.42
  • Johannesburg, S/Africa $3.39
  • Mexico City, Mexico $2.22
  • Buenos Aires, Argentina $2.09

ARE YOU READY FOR THIS: Saudi Arabia, $0.09, Kuwait, $0.09.

THE USA, who cares........we just fund the world.

What do you think will happen when oil reaches $200-00 per barrel? Our economy and entire infrastructure, transport, food, everything will collapse. It will be to late to take action then because we the people will be immobilized and the politicians will have us under their complete control. Yeah, we can revolt, become disruptive, burn buildings, copy the shenanigans of Africa and Lebanon, and how will this help.........?

Here is the skinny people and listen up: Politically powerful coastal states, California, Florida, New Jersey have time after time placed their parochial interests ahead of our own countries need for energy Independence by PROHIBITING the offshore production of natural gas and oil.

Why else would you think some wealthy Californians who own property in oil rich Santa Barbara Channel are NEVER SLOW to underwrite the costs of presidential campaigns.

Back in June of 2007, Senator John warren of Virginia had a proposal to allow drilling off the Virginia coast and guess what, when time came for the vote, the three presidential candidates were conveniently absent from the senate.

Folks, drillers have ab enviable record and have arguably done less damage to mother earth vs. the construction and tourism industry. Besides, most spills are as a result of ship wrecks. No one proposes prohibiting seagoing vessels from sailing close to our shores.

Republican Rep. John Peterson of Titusville, PA where 150 years ago the first oil well was drilled has tried to LIFT the moratoriums on drilling off the east and west coast, including the Florida Gulf Coast.

In the coming weeks when our Congress (remember, they are smarter than us, know what is best for us and our country) considers an appropriations measure for the Interior Dept. John Peterson's action will merely be symbolic because of lack of support.

I am tired of politicians who have no backbone, and our politicians win hands down in this arena. A bunch of wussies that are educated beyond their level of intelligence. They clearly do not care about the citizens, they have other agendas and one of them is to raise taxes. They play the blame game, we need to tax these oil rich corporations, they are making to much money is what our politicians want us to believe. Why do the politicians NOT WANT TO REDUCE THE TAXES ON GAS? Imagine if this does happen, as gas goes up the government reduces the taxes by 50% of the increase at the pump.

A point to consider, EXXON makes less per dollar than Google or Microsoft. The government makes more off EXXON than they do on Google, Microsoft and other companies, and now they want tax Exxon even more. This really solves the problem doesn't it? What do you think EXXON will do when their taxes are raised?, ......................pass it on to us, the consumer.

Back to Peterson and let see if you agree with what he had planned: Introduce a bill that will open up the Outer Continental Shelf to natural gas drilling. The USA is paying the highest prices in the world for natural gas. We could even sell the leases and that would bring the prices down immediately. What do you think.....? Good idea or bad idea. Well, turns out President Bush doesn't support revoking lease sales moratoriums, a condition passed by his father in the 1990's. This was extended to 2012 by Clinton. president Bush also said he will give great weight to the desires of the states that do not want new gas and oil developments off their coasts. I do, and so do you.

Folks join the fraternity. This is the only way we as a people are going to take back our country and get these slime ball politicians to do what we the people elected them to do.

Do they really think that if we, POWERUPAMERICA had over 300000-00 members and growing that they will be getting away with what they are doing? NO WAY!!!!!!!

The Goerge Soro's, and other anti-American factors need a strong opposition and we can do it by becoming the largest fraternity in America. We will finally have a voice. There are good politicians out there and they have no support. They need us.

Thanks for reading and God Bless America.