Thursday, November 27, 2008

American the appeaser...........!

Americans, gather your loved ones, take a few minutes and listen to the video.
What has happended to our country and what are you prepared to do to save it for your children?

Powerupamerica is the place that will give you the powerup your voice needs. By becoming a member we can save our country and keep it free.


WWRD What would Reagan do?

Americans, listen to the video and then wonder what direction we are being steered in now.


Did you know that woman is half a man....?

Woman, where is your outrage? I thought that you were all behind the cause of freeing woman around the globe. Turns out you aren't because the only rights issue you are worried about is the women's rights in the USA.

Well, in Iran, although you will never hear the American women's rights movement complain about it, turns out, ladies, that in Iran you are worth half a man. Yep, this is true!!! It is in Iran's Constitution.

If a woman who is pregnant gets killed in a car accident, Sharia law requires the guilty party in the other car to pay a full fine for the fetus and only half that for the woman. This carries through every aspect of Iranian society. Women can't own or dispose of property. If a women's husband dies, the family of the husband disposes of his estate. That's the contempt that awaits us if the Iranians have their way. In fact, they view the entire non-muslim world as worth even less than muslim women.

For 30 years we gave been negotiating, heck let's keep on doing it until we are all dead or forced to live under Sharia law.

Folks, this is America for goodness sake, the land of the brave and the land of the free. We are the last bastion of freedom. Let's fight for it and keep the torch of freedom alive.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Become a member and have your voice heard. This is the only forum that will give us the voice we need, hold our crumby politicians honest and get our country back. Do not be quiet!!

Thanks for reading and remember, share this with your friends and post your comments.

Some articles are reprinted with permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.

And we thought it was about oil....!

The muslims want you DEAD. This fight has never been about oil, although those in the media and other party members will tell you otherwise. We are fighting an IDEOLOGY. DEATH TO AMERICA!!! Click this link and watch in horror what happened in Mumbai, India and when you are done watching the video ask yourself if this attack is about oil or about killing westerners, that is you and me and your children?

Folks, we have been talking to the Iranians for years, over 30 to be exact. Their isn't an American president from Carter to the present that has not authorized negotiations with these madmen.

Case in point: During the Clinton era we ended all kinds of sanctions against Iran, let all kinds of Iranian's into the US for the first time since the 1970's, had sporting matches with them, hosted the Iranian cultural events, and unfroze the Iranian bank accounts. HUGE MISTAKE!!!!

Then Clinton and Secretary of State, Albright started to PUBLICLY apologize to Iran for this and that. NOW, when all was said and done, the Ali Khamenei reminded everyone that Iran is in a state of war with the US and all negotiations ended.

Sound like history repeating itself....? This is an ideology war and nothing else. The muslims attitude is like a line from an old James Bond movie, Goldfinger. James Bond is spreadeagled on a sheet of gold, a laser beam is cutting through the gold sheet and about to slice him in half. Goldfinger, the actress is standing up on a balcony looking down at him. James Bond asks, "Goldfinger, what is this?" "Do you expect me to talk?" Goldfinger replies, "No, mr Bond, I expect you to die. " This is the attitude of the muslims.

By the way, the terrorists in Mumbai were seeking out holders of USA passports.

Thanks for reading. ps: some articles have been reprinted by permission from IMPRIMIS, a publication of Hillsdale College.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Obama already going back on his word

He has not even put his hand on the bible yet, and he is already going back on his campaign ideals. According to Nedra Pickler, of the Associated press, Obama has "relaxed" his stance on lobbyists. Once stating that "...once I am president, they [lobbyists] won't find a job in my white house," are now being told that they cannot lobby during the transition, and if they lobbyed within the past 12 months, they cannot lobby for the same cause once the transition is over.

You could come out and say that this blatent hypocrisy, which it is. Or you could say that he has lobbyists and a short rope, which he does, for now. Either way you look at it, it is a long way from having no lobbyists in the white house as he promissed during his campaign.

Saturday, November 8, 2008

The price for peace

Americans, we are slipping toward socialism, don't believe me then look at how much the feds now control, our banks, our auto industry, soon to be health care, education....the list goes on.

In order for socialism to succeed the government must first weaken the economy, take away the wealth of the working class and control the industries. Once this is done, they will then reeducate the populous.

Upon the completion of those tasks you will be dependant and answerable to the government. You will no longer be able to have choices, gas will be expensive so the government will now provide transportation, the cost of living will be outrageous and due to government health care the older citizens will receive no care at all, education will be controlled and the civilian army will keep you in check.

This is America, the land of the FREE, the home of the BRAVE. Listen to the video of Reagan. We must not give in and not compromise our morals and ideals upon which this great country was founded. Our constitution is to be upheld. Lets fight for it.

I am not interested in being a moderate, what the heck is that in any event, part Democrat part Republican?

Enjoy the video, share it with your friends and family and remember to post your comment.

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

This is how Hitler started.........PAY ATTENTION!!

Americans, what the heck is a civilian army and why is this so necessary?
One shot on history here: Adolph Hitler. We all know what he did. The purpose of the founding of the civilian army was to control the populous. Obama wants the civilian army to be just as powerful as the regular military......WHY?? Give yourself and your loved ones a good reason.

Why does he want do have a powerful civilian army?
What force will this powerful civilian army have over us civilians?
Who is going to pay for this?
Will enrollment be mandatory or by force?
Will the states have the right to not allow this civilian army in their state?
Will this federal civilian army have control over all the states and its civilians, thereby doing way with state law?
Folks, no one knew of this until a few days ago. Heck, ask some people why they voted for Obama and you will hear; I just like the way he sounds, I think he will be good.
Think about these questions. The only way around this is to take a stand against it NOW. Why one earth wait until it happens.
If we can powerup our voices through growing membership, getting our friends to join etc, we will become a mouthpiece to deal with and these darn politicians will be held accountable.
The membership is $35-00 of which 10% percent will be donated to a charity of your choice or we will donate it to a families of the military charity.
I will also like to have shirts made with a powerupamerica logo on it.
Email me your questions and about membership and together let us powerup our voices.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Obama says, his plan will sky rocket our electricity prices

Americans, how much do you want to pay, or how much do you think we should pay for our electricity? What about if you were on a fixed income.........?

I urge you to vote responsibly. Even the media now is trying to CYA on the lack of data on Obama.

Thanks for reading .

The video of Obama on bankrupting our coal industry. Why was this video hidden...?

Folks, the Chronicle had hidden this interview. Just another way of the media turning a blind eye and a deaf ear. Listen to this video and you will be shocked to hear how he wants to bankrupt our coal industry. Talk about fascism, socialism, communism.....listen and decide.

Do not keep this data to yourself as the Chronicle did, share it and share it now.

Thank you.

Saturday, November 1, 2008

We will awake to find we have socialism....PREVENT IT!

Americans, how far back do you think socialized medicine goes in our history AND hidden in it is the terrifying and alarming implementation of socialism?
Guaranteed, this will set the record straight, so, gather your friends, family and share this alarming 10 minute speech. You may want to have a pen and a sheet of paper available to take notes.

Thank you for reading and sharing this blog. Remember, the only way we can powerup your voice is by becoming a paid member.