Thursday, November 27, 2008

Did you know that woman is half a man....?

Woman, where is your outrage? I thought that you were all behind the cause of freeing woman around the globe. Turns out you aren't because the only rights issue you are worried about is the women's rights in the USA.

Well, in Iran, although you will never hear the American women's rights movement complain about it, turns out, ladies, that in Iran you are worth half a man. Yep, this is true!!! It is in Iran's Constitution.

If a woman who is pregnant gets killed in a car accident, Sharia law requires the guilty party in the other car to pay a full fine for the fetus and only half that for the woman. This carries through every aspect of Iranian society. Women can't own or dispose of property. If a women's husband dies, the family of the husband disposes of his estate. That's the contempt that awaits us if the Iranians have their way. In fact, they view the entire non-muslim world as worth even less than muslim women.

For 30 years we gave been negotiating, heck let's keep on doing it until we are all dead or forced to live under Sharia law.

Folks, this is America for goodness sake, the land of the brave and the land of the free. We are the last bastion of freedom. Let's fight for it and keep the torch of freedom alive.

Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction. We didn't pass it to our children in the bloodstream. It must be fought for, protected, and handed on for them to do the same. Ronald Reagan

Become a member and have your voice heard. This is the only forum that will give us the voice we need, hold our crumby politicians honest and get our country back. Do not be quiet!!

Thanks for reading and remember, share this with your friends and post your comments.

Some articles are reprinted with permission from Imprimis, a publication of Hillsdale College.

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