Monday, April 21, 2008

Blue collar, small town conservatives are BITTER....

Good day America.

I am still thankful for a great country, a great health care system, a great free-market economy, and most of all, excellent, loving, God fearing small town conservatives.

Once again, the real OBAMA and his dream agenda come out, and what is he doing about it, apologizing, NO, are you kidding. He is continuing to categorize the citizens of the USA, the small town , gun slinging, anti immigrant, anti trade, Bible-pounding bigots who do not have a clue about how markets and the economics of the real world work. Sadly, this is what he thinks along with most of your elitist politicians. Obama says that the simple ideas of the small town folks
are merely a result of their under-privileged economic status.

Folks in small towns are seen as uninformed and unrefined, you might as well add, uneducated. Their votes do not really count, so why even bother with them.

We cannot sit back and say this man made a mistake, why else would he say something like that if he was not thinking along those lines.

Look at Kenya, in Africa. No doubt Obama was involved there. The citizens of Kenya voted for a new man, a change, they wanted freedoms. What happened - the old regime did not want to give up, so the UN and no doubt Obama and his cronies gave the people a shared government. They now have two presidents. How is this going to work? Imagine the USA with two presidents? How will the populous ever get a consensus? The peoples voice was not heard at all, rather, the elitists stepped in and .............................................

This goes along with what Hillary is espousing, quite freely with no challenge from the media.

We all know how she hates the rich, and the very essence of our free-market economic system, right?

She declares that we are, in reality in a "on your own society." Her remedy for the problem is for us to become a "we're in this together society" a nation of "shared responsibility" AND "shared prosperity." She has also elsewhere stated that our free-market has failed, churches have failed, we have all failed; and to become a just society, some people need to have things taken away from them.

See, what happened in Kenya, a shared just society, is what is coming to the USA.

Why is it, that capitalism for Obama and Clinton and most Democrats is okay for them, but nobody else.

I urge you to read this link and then wonder why small town conservatives do not really have this problem. Why do they get it, and we in the large cities do not. Apart from this folks, why are we even having to debate this issue is the bigger question. We are being lead by non believers and secularists.

Remember, we can only defeat them if we are strong in numbers. Join the fraternity if you want to take back your country and become a part of history and leave a safer and freer country for your children and their children's children.

  • To read about and the benefits of membership to you and I, please read the first post.

Remember what Ronald Reagan said: The nine most terrifying words in the English language are,"I'm from the government and I'm here to help."

God Bless America