Friday, October 24, 2008

SHOCKING News the Obama media has kept away....

Folks, I am not in position to pass judgement on any one person, but In Africa they have a saying that a leopard cannot change it's spots.

This link below is the organization that Bill Ayres founded and no matter what Obama says, he did associate with Bill Ayres, took money from Bill Ayres and worked with Bill Ayres. Why would you work with an enemy as vicious as Bill Ayres .............? One reason only, you are cut from the same cloth and serve the same purpose - SOCIALIZE THE POPULOUS AND KILL THE ONES WHO DO NOT SUCCUMB TO REEDUCATION.

Americans, please pass this on and consider becoming a member of PowerupAmerica. The annual membership fee is only $35-00. This membership will make your voice a powerful one. As we get more members to join we will become a more powerful influence and be able to get our country back. Consider how well the democrat machine works and how many people join their organizations like,, thehuntingpost etc.

Click the link.

God Bless America, the land of the Brave and the Land of the FREE