Wednesday, July 22, 2009

join or remain a loser......your choice

Show the real birth certificate campaign and folks, here is a biggy: Join forces now to allow us citizens, the taxpayers, to benefit directly from the tarp funds. Heck, we bailed the banks out remember, and what did we get, nothing! REALISE THAT IT WAS OUR MONEY THE THIEF FEDS USED. THE BANKS CAME CRYING AND THEY WERE MODIFIED.

Alot of citizens are facing tremendous financial stresses which will rip families apart. These stresses can relieved by ponying up to giving us help with our mortgages, LET ALONE THE TAX CONSEQUENCES OUR THIEF FEDS ARE IMPOSING ON US. We need the bail out now with no delay, just like the bank received.

Join forces with this campaign.Lets send the letters demanding our bail out. Fixing the mortgage problem is just as easy and uncomplicated as when the banks came crying.

Stop sitting on the side line saying; we have no more say. This is America. Claim your rights. We are the land of the FREE because of the BRAVE.

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