Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Govt secrets and public surprise,hmmmmm!

Folks, c'mon, the govt controlled media are at it again, social engineering: Bill Clinton makes surprise visit to North Korea. Wow! Do you really believe that? For this to be true, fmr. pres. Clinton had to charter a flight and just fly to North Korea or did he fly on a commercial flight and arrive unannounced at the quarters of the little pork belly pres of North Korea? It is a secret visit remember!!!

Wake up, wake up. The govt. knew all along that he was going, he was told to go. Security was arranged and the evil little pork belly pres of North Korea was told that Clinton was coming, while his wife is in Kenya looking for the actual birth certificate, what a crok.

Stop allowing the media to allow this deceit and assault on us citizens folks.

Thanks for reading. Share the news and write your comments. You need to take action and stop being quiet. You owe it t your children.

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