Monday, August 10, 2009

How the USA lies to us citizens. See if you can find the lie in this statement.

“It is critically important that Congress act before the [debt] limit is reached,” Tim Geithner wrote over the weekend in a letter to lawmakers, “so that citizens and investors here and around the world can remain confident that the United States will always meet its obligations."

Sounds like our Treasury Secretary is finally putting his foot down, insisting that Congress pull back its lavish spending programs and start addressing our incredible $11.6 trillion national debt.

Wait… what’s that? Oh, Geithner’s actually asking for Congress to raise the debt ceiling. If Congress authorizes our government to dig deeper than $12.1 trillion in debt (our current glass ceiling) our partners here and abroad will somehow “remain confident.” How perverse is that?

Save your country and join to become a voice or be a wimp and sit on the side line while you leave nothing of this country to your children.

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