Monday, August 10, 2009

How your government lies to you

I love it when hypocrites get caught telling lies, don’t you? The look of fear in their eyes when the web of deceit comes tumbling down. I know I shouldn’t, but I do get a bit of pleasure out of the whole thing.

Just last week, the Wall Street Journal highlighted a huge lie.

Believe it or not, it came from our esteemed leaders in Congress. They’re spending like drunken sailors on shore leave. Then they turn around and hand the good taxpayers (you and me) the bill.

Nancy Pelosi and crew just allocated half a billion dollars for new luxury jets for Congress. This comes just months after tarring and feathering CEOs for using private jets to attend Congressional hearings.

Seems kind of two-sided, don’t you think?

Here’s where the lies start… our members of Congress all claim to support fiscal responsibility. But, they sure don’t act like it. The Defense Department says they don’t need these new jets. Since when is spending $550 million on something you don’t need fiscally responsible? I call that a lie.

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